
Back to School Season: Tips for a Smooth Transition and Keeping Your Kids Healthy

August 12, 2021

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It’s been a crazy year. Or a crazy year and a half, I should say. Since the start of the pandemic, we’ve all been forced into new routines – a new “normal.”

  1. Moms turned into academic teachers. 
  2. Kids were forced to cope with radical change. 
  3. Parents had to adjust their entire lives. 
  4. Transitions looked different for every family. 

Now another summer has come and gone. The world still feels uncertain. But one thing remains the same: we’re all in it together. The transition out of summer and into the school year presents its own set of challenges. Back to school can mean more…

  • stress 
  • germs 
  • chaos 

… for the whole family. As some kids return to school and others remain at home, I want to arm you with some tips everyone can use to ease the transition back to school this year. Today we’re going to go over tips on how to support your child in this transition, keep them healthy, and homeschool your kiddos. 

Back to School Tips to Ease The Transition For Your Kids

As a naturopathic pediatrician, I see many children struggling with anxiety in my office. Tough transitions serve as an additional stressor on top of the existing pains growing up brings. It’s our job as mama bears to prepare our kids for change when we can and to support them. So how can you best support your kiddos?

Use my back-to-school tips this season to help your children transition: 

  • Set your kids’ sleep schedules back to “school time” at least one week before the first day of school. Sleep is crucial to your child’s health and well-being. Easing them into a structured sleep schedule will help them transition into a new routine.
  • Begin talking about school a few weeks before their start date to get them thinking about the transition ahead of time. Walk them through their new daily routine. Talk about the new people they will see and things they will learn.
  • Encourage your kids to read, or read to them, in the weeks leading up to school. Let your kiddo pick out a book they want to read! This reinforces the idea that reading books and learning new things is fun.
  • Create a written schedule. Many kids are visual learners. A visual schedule helps kids understand the order of activities throughout the day and enforces structure.
  • Establish family time. This could be in the morning when your kids are getting ready, during dinner time, or just before bed. Summer may have meant more family time. Keeping this as a constant will help ease your child’s transition.
  • Talk to your kids. Ask them how they’re feeling about starting school again. Are they excited, worried, unsure? Assure them that these feelings are normal and okay. Continue to check in as the school year begins.
  • Acknowledge your child’s behavior. Be sure to give them praise when they go through a tough transition, whether that be going back to school or starting a new activity.

How to Keep Your Kids Healthy

If your child is going back into school… this means more germs! Do you feel like your child comes home with a back-to-school cold every single year?

*Que more trips to the doctor’s office.* 

It’s my job as a naturopathic doctor to help prevent your child from getting sick. But if they do start sneezing, don’t worry! There are powerful remedies you can use at home to help your child heal naturally, without antibiotics, steroids, or other medications.

Follow these tips to AVOID the back-to-school sniffles this year: 

  • Make a balanced breakfast. Focus on creating meals that include a source of protein, healthy fat, and fiber.
  • Pack nutrient-dense lunches + snacks. Load up on healthy foods, like fruits and veggies, and especially leafy greens.
  • Set bedtimes. Developing a sleep routine and sticking to it is *so important* for your child’s health. Do your best to stay consistent.
  • Hydrate! Pack your child a reusable water bottle. Remind them to drink water throughout the day, and get specific. For instance, tell them, “you should drink 3 of these today.”
  • Teach healthy hygiene habits. Remind your child to wash their hands after they use the bathroom and before lunch and snack time. Show young kiddos before they go to school how to properly wash their hands – with warm water and soap for about 30 seconds.
  • Keep immune-boosting supplements on hand. If your child is prone to the back-to-school cold, start giving them supplements a few days before their start date. And if your child does show early signs of a cold, the key is to get on top of it. Fast! 

Wondering what supplements you should give your kiddo? My go-to remedies are gold.

Here are my favorite immune remedies: 

  • Elderberry syrup
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D
  • Zinc
  • Glutathione
  • Chamomile tea

You can purchase each of these immune-boosting remedies at my online dispensary here. Stock up now so you’re prepared, Mama!

Tips for Homeschooling Your Children

If you choose to teach your child at home, you go, Mama! It sure isn’t easy, as we’ve all learned first hand in the past year.

Whether you’re just beginning homeschooling, continuing to teach your child at home, or your child’s school just isn’t open quite yet, follow these tips to help your child make the adjustment: 

  • Join a homeschooling community. We need each other. There are many communities of other moms just like you who want to connect. I recommend checking out Wild + Free if you’re a Colorado local.
  • Make a designated learning space. Home for most kids means safety, relaxation, and play. When throwing learning into the mix, it’s best to designate one learning space to avoid confusion.
  • Map out the year’s curriculum in advance. Knowing what lessons and assignments are coming up next will help both you and your child stay on track.
  • Stick to a daily schedule. Kids need structure and consistency. Following a daily schedule helps kids feel calm by knowing what to expect the next day.
  • Create new ways of learning. You’re the teacher, Mama! Give yourself the freedom to introduce new ways of learning, like board games, activities that incorporate movement, or taking a class outside.  

Homeschooling is a wonderful option for many families. If this route works best for your family, be sure to take advantage of all the amazing resources available to you!

We’re All in This Together

It’s been a weird time since the pandemic, that’s for sure. Life might look different for you now than it did before. Maybe things didn’t go the way you planned.

Transitions can be hard for us as adults. And it’s even more difficult for kids. Remember to lean on your community! We have such a powerful community of mamas here at The Organic Cure. If you’re curious about ways to get involved, send me an email. My virtual door is always open.

Are you looking for a naturopathic pediatrician in Colorado Springs? I’d love to support your family. Click the button below to book your initial consultation with me.

We’re in this together, Mama! 

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Wife, Mama of Three, Nature-Enthusiast, Believer, Tea Connoisseur & Colorado Springs Native 

Hi, I'm Dr. Lindsay –
We empower parents to question the status quo & raise healthy families, naturally.

As a mother of three, I know what it’s like to leave the doctor’s office feeling scared, ignored & misunderstood. I’m committed to listening deeply & honoring your role as the parent or caregiver because I believe you know best when it comes to your child. 

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