
5 Powerful Advantages of Taking Control of Your Family’s Health

May 17, 2021

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What does it mean to take control of your family’s health?

To me, it means feeling empowered to…

  • educate yourself about your child’s health issues
  • do your own research
  • implement healthy habits at home
  • have the confidence to make the right decisions for your child

… so your little one can thrive. 

Taking control of your family’s health means raising naturally healthy kids, starting at home. 

I’m not going to lie to you, Mama… this takes work. 

It’s not always easy to set aside time to educate yourself or to create a healthier, at-home alternative.

But I don’t have to tell you twice that your little one is so worth it. 

As a naturopathic pediatrician, I teach families different health hacks that they can use at home to help their child heal. I give you the tools you need because I want to make healing your child as easy as possible for you. Do you know what my patients tell me? This feels so darn good!

I’m going to share with you 5 magical things that happen when you take control of your family’s health:

1. Fewer trips to the doctor.

When your child has a health issue, does it mean you *have* to go to the doctor?

What if you didn’t? 

What if you knew the basic protocol to heal your child’s biggest health issue on your own at home?

I’m here to tell you: it is possible!

Your child can get better in your care, without a trip to the doc. Although I love to see you! 

All you need is the proper, natural tools to help them heal.

Now keep in mind, part of taking control of your child’s health means knowing when to see your doctor, and when to treat your kiddo at home. 

Through a bit of learning and experience, you’ll be able to make these decisions with confidence.

2. Spend more time with family.

What if you didn’t have to spend your time after school…

  • hopping around from doctor to doctor?
  • running to your local pharmacy?
  • dealing with a health issue?

What if your child woke up feeling energized and excited to play every day and you did too because their health was thriving? When you spend less time at the doctor’s office, you earn back precious moments together. You get more time to play outside with your kiddo rather than worrying about another back-to-school cold. Health is wealth. We wouldn’t give those special moments up for the world.

3. Know what questions to ask your pediatrician.

You have the right to ask questions. 

You’re the #1 advocate for your child’s health. You deserve to be in the know. 

Trying to get answers from your pediatrician can sometimes feel like putting together a puzzle that has a few pieces missing.

It can be tough to know what questions to ask when you’re not totally familiar with the subject matter and don’t “speak the lingo.”

You don’t need to go to medical school to have an active role in your child’s health decisions. 

Understanding what questions you should be asking your doctor will help you gain a sense of control and determine the best health plan for your child.

4. Gain confidence in your decisions around your child’s health.

We face so much uncertainty as parents.

How do I…

  • foster independence while protecting my kids?
  • set expectations while showing unconditional love?
  • pack a healthy lunch she won’t try to trade with her friends?

We’ve got enough of it. 

Let’s squash uncertainty around your child’s health.

If your primary care physician gives your child a diagnosis and recommends a prescription medication, you have the right to explore *all* your options first.

If your doctor tells you there are no other options, don’t panic. Seek out more information.

It’s likely your naturopathic pediatrician will have alternative options or can point you in the right direction.

*This* is what putting yourself in the driver’s seat looks like, Mama!

5. Feel empowered.

Knowledge is power. 

When you’re equipped with the proper tools to raise naturally healthy kids, you gain a new sense of confidence around your child’s health.

You’re a super mama! You feel calm when your child has a health issue because you know…

  • which supplements to use.
  • what remedies to try.
  • the right questions to ask.
  • proper steps to take.

Once you begin to learn about how the body can naturally heal itself, and you see it happen for your child, you crave more knowledge. I’ve seen it happen – many times! 

Book a session with me. 

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Wife, Mama of Three, Nature-Enthusiast, Believer, Tea Connoisseur & Colorado Springs Native 

Hi, I'm Dr. Lindsay –
We empower parents to question the status quo & raise healthy families, naturally.

As a mother of three, I know what it’s like to leave the doctor’s office feeling scared, ignored & misunderstood. I’m committed to listening deeply & honoring your role as the parent or caregiver because I believe you know best when it comes to your child. 

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