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3 proven strategies for healing your kids at home

Ditch your

Free Masterclass

You're tired of wasting time and money.
You're ready to take healing into your hands. After all, you're the real expert on your child. 

You know your kids Best

Your doctor says there's nothing wrong, but you just know something is off.
Your doctor recommends steroids, miralax, and antibiotics, but you know that doesn't take care of the real problem.

Learning natural healing strategies empowers you, the parent, to help your kids become all they’re meant to be! 

A treatment plan only heals someone if their body can sustain health once the plan is complete. 

You can help your kids stay healthy when you follow simple nutritional guidelines.

P.S. There's no math involved!

Nutrition rules for success

Yes, most immune activity happens in the gut. Treating leaky gut is always part of a successful healing plan. 

But this day and age, post-COVID, our kids' cellular health is compromised. True immune healing must go deeper.

Learn what signs to look for, and what to do about it.

restore immunity at cellular level

If you’ve ever tried a natural remedy, or a food elimination diet and it hasn’t worked for your kids, there’s a reason why.

Their body wasn’t ready! 

Learn the key remedies Dr. Lindsay uses that shorten healing time.

Ready the body for healing

Kids don't detox the same way adults do.  

Their bodies also hold on to toxins and traumas differently. 

Learn Dr. Lindsay's non-toxic technique that works with the body to gently release toxins that are preventing cure. 

Gentle Detox strategies for kids

Here's just some of What you'll learn during the masterclass

See your child finally get to live their best life and not feel different.

Learn easy strategies that keep your family's health improving.

Enjoy more quality family time, free from stress about health.

See your child's health potential finally shine through.

I'll introduce you to the 3 steps I follow
with every patient to guarantee results. We'll talk about non-toxic treatments,
how and when to use them, and what you can do to make your
home a healing environment.

Join my Free Masterclass

I've been in your shoes and I'm here to help

Get ready to put an end to frustrating doctor visits.
Learn the steps you can take at home to heal your kids, naturally

You can breathe a big sigh of relief. The support you've been looking for is here.

Your child should not be reduced to a label, a diagnosis. 
Every problem has a solution.

Skin rashes and eczema that just won't stop!

Allergies to food, environment, and what seems like everything! 

Toilet issues like constipation, diarrhea, and recurring infections.

And behavior concerns like tantrums, meltdowns, and poor focus.

This live masterclass is designed
for parents who need
help with problems like...

You know that feeling when you leave a doctor appointment and think, "that was pointless"? Or worse - maybe you left the appointment in tears because you felt unheard, or mocked. 

I used to have days like that. Then I'd go home and scour the internet for advice that was actually helpful. 

The hard part was, I had to piece together information and I always felt like I was guessing. Some things worked, some didn't.

You don't have to guess anymore. I'm here for you!

I've been that parent, too. I have lost trust in my kids' doctors.

... that's because you haven't found the right doctor.

You feel you've wasted hours of your life in pointless doctor visits.
you feel thir health depends on you alone.

You've been going in circles, seeing all the specialists, spending lots of $$ and you probably feel discouraged. Maybe even Hopeless.

As kids learn the proper healing process, they become empowered into adulthood.

This system changes lives.

Rather than dive right into dozens of supplements, I use a unique approach that awakens the mind-body connection First. After that, the body is more receptive to healing, and every remedy and supplement that follows is absorbed and assimilated properly. Leading to long-lasting results.

It has taken me years to develop, and several hundred patients to learn with, but I've finally done it! I've come up with a system that can work for any child, any problem. It works because I start with priming the body for healing, which is a step most holistic and functional doctors skip. 

I have a proven system to get to the root of health problems, and restore well-being.

Here we go...

Mom to 5 year old with allergies

Holly Johnson

Dr. Lindsay is a wonderful educator and helps you understand at a level that allows you as a parent to advocate for your child, and not accept a “bandage” as a way to manage your child’s health.

This is a rare opportunity to join a LIVE session with Dr. Lindsay
and learn methods she only teaches her patients.

there's no other program like it

Ditch your Doctor

After earning my doctorate, I immediately started The Organic Cure. My goal was to be there for all the struggling parents, to help them find hope and real solutions for their kids' health.

I've always known that seeing patients one-on-one wasn't enough. I wanted to help thousands ... tens of thousands!

This Masterclass is my way of doing that. I'm so glad you're here.

you are the reason I'm here

I was once in your shoes, with the same struggles you have now

When my third child experienced severe medical issues, I was forced into the conventional medicine pipeline. Some of their recommendations were helpful, but many of them weren't. I was so concerned about Sadie's digestive health and growth - but no one was listening.

Eventually, I had enough. I wanted to get my education so I could be her doctor. My husband paused his career and we moved so I could study at Bastyr University in California.

All I ever wanted was to help other parents who struggle like I did

I'm Dr. Lindsay!

Why I'm offering this masterclass

Here is what you are going to get



Nutrition rules that make results long-lasting

How cellular healing gets to the root cause

Understand how to ready the body for healing

Strategies to safely detox your children

You'll walk away with: 

You can stop wasting time and money at pointless doctor visits, and instead, you can learn how to become the expert who can help your kids heal using natural remedies at home. 

what to expect in the masterclass

We can't wait to meet you!

You'll also get access to a FREE BONUS for attending!

Invite your best mom-friend to join you!

You'll be so glad you came! Dr. Lindsay is all about making the most of your time. She does not disappoint!

your free seat

Join Dr. Lindsay Live!

are you ready to feel more confident
about your family's health?

No matter where you are in your health journey, there's always more to learn. You're in the right place if
you believe the body can heal itself.

"How will this help me?"

Contact and our team can help you out. 

Can i reschedule once i've signed up?

We can't make any promises about that! 

will this masterclass be offered again? 

We hope to see your face, but it's not a requirement. Come as you are. Frizzy hair, no makeup, feeding a baby? This is a judgement-free zone. 

Do I have to be on screen? 

We're offering 3 different times, to accommodate all of your different life circumstances. But... if the times still don't work, send an email to

What if I can't make the live time? 

Contact and our team will help you out.

I signed up but didn't get a confirmation

Don't count on it! This masterclass is all about showing up live so you can get the full experience.

Will the masterclass be recorded?

don't worry, we have the answers!

You Might have Some questions

- Hippocrates

"The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well."